In the beginning, there was George and Agnes and their two sons and one lovely angel of a daughter (that would be me!). In the beginning of beach house life, it was the 1960's, and George and Agnes would take their brood to a quaint little haven on the western shores of the Chesapeake Bay called Breezy Point Beach. They would rent a little cottage and spend two weeks every summer at Breezy Point Beach and their children would run free and half-naked through the sand and all was perfect in the world. This is how a beach/beach house lover was created. There was no stress in life that an hour and a half's car ride away from the Washington, DC area to the Chesapeake Bay could not cure. This little community, Breezy Point Beach in Calvert County, Maryland, has meant everything to me since I was a little girl.
George and Agnes, with Steven & and a topless Lee Ann (no comments from the peanut gallery!). My brother David probably was behind the camera. |
Later, in the early 70's, after George passed away suddenly, Agnes bought the home that my daughter and I live in now. She bought it for her children, but I think also for my father's memory, because all the memories of her years with my dad were even sweeter at the beach. Behold, My Beach House:
Our little piece of heaven |
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